variable "profile" { description = "The AWS profile to use" } variable "region" { description = "The AWS region to run in" } variable "common-tags" { type = map(string) description = "Tags that go everywhere" } variable "open-nets" { type = list description = "CIDRs that will have access to everything" default = [] } variable "vpc-cidr" { description = "The CIDR of the VPC" } variable "vpc-id" { description = "The ID of the VPC" } variable "vpc-name" { description = "The Name of the VPC" } variable "ssh-key" { description = "Set if the SSH key you wish to use does not match the VPC name" default = "" } variable "vpc-subnets" { type = list description = "The list of subnets available to the VPC" } variable "vpc-azs" { type = list description = "The ID of the VPC" } variable "data-node-count" { description = "The number of RE data nodes" default = 3 } variable "re-instance-type" { description = "The size of instance to run" default = "t2.2xlarge" } variable "re-volume-size" { description = "The size of the two volumes to attach" default = "150" } variable "enable-flash" { description = "Enable Flash Devices" default = false } variable "flash-iops" { description = "Enable Flash IOPS" default = "100" } variable "netrules" { type = list default = [ { type = "ingress" from_port = "22" to_port = "22" protocol = "tcp" cidr = [""] }, { type = "egress" from_port = "0" to_port = "65535" protocol = "tcp" cidr = [""] }, { type = "egress" from_port = "0" to_port = "65535" protocol = "udp" cidr = [""] } ] }