@@ -2,31 +2,47 @@ package main
import (
- "flag"
+ "log"
+ "os"
+ "github.com/pborman/getopt/v2"
var ctx = context.Background()
func main() {
- redisHost := flag.String("host", "localhost", "Redis Host")
- redisPort := flag.Int("port", 6379, "Redis Port")
- redisPassword := flag.String("password", "", "RedisPassword")
- messageCount := flag.Int("message_count", 10000, "run this man times")
- flag.Parse()
+ helpFlag := getopt.BoolLong("help", 'h', "display help")
+ redisHost := getopt.StringLong("host", 's', "", "name or IP of any cluster node")
+ redisPort := getopt.IntLong("port", 'p', 6379, "port for the cluster node")
+ redisPassword := getopt.StringLong("password", 'a', "", "cluster password")
+ messageCount := getopt.IntLong("message-count", 'm', 10000, "Message count")
+ minBackOff := getopt.IntLong("min-backoff", 'i', 500, "ms to start backoff")
+ maxBackOff := getopt.IntLong("max-backoff", 'x', 1000, "ms to start backoff")
+ getopt.Parse()
+ if *helpFlag || *redisHost == "" {
+ getopt.PrintUsage(os.Stderr)
+ os.Exit(1)
+ }
client := redis.NewClusterClient(&redis.ClusterOptions{
- Addrs: []string{fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", *redisHost, *redisPort)},
- MaxRedirects: 3,
- Password: *redisPassword,
- PoolSize: 8,
- MinIdleConns: 5,
- PoolTimeout: 0,
- IdleTimeout: 20 * time.Second,
- DialTimeout: 2 * time.Second,
+ Addrs: []string{fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", *redisHost, *redisPort)},
+ MaxRedirects: 3,
+ Password: *redisPassword,
+ PoolSize: 8,
+ MinRetryBackoff: time.Duration(*minBackOff) * time.Millisecond,
+ MaxRetryBackoff: time.Duration(*maxBackOff) * time.Millisecond,
+ MinIdleConns: 5,
+ PoolTimeout: 0,
+ ReadTimeout: 4 * time.Millisecond,
+ WriteTimeout: 4 * time.Millisecond,
+ IdleTimeout: 20 * time.Second,
+ DialTimeout: 2 * time.Second,
for i := 0; i < *messageCount; i++ {
@@ -37,8 +53,8 @@ func main() {
if err != nil {
- if client.PoolStats().Misses > misses {
- fmt.Printf("Failover: Client took %d ms to complete operation %+v\n", elapsed.Milliseconds(), client.PoolStats())
+ if client.PoolStats().Misses > misses && elapsed.Milliseconds() > 1 {
+ log.Printf("Failover: Client took %d ms to complete operation %+v\n", elapsed.Milliseconds(), client.PoolStats())