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Home Made Bacon Notes


1/3 cup course sea salt (sea or kosher) 3T cracked pepper corns 2 teaspoons pink curing salt (Prague Powder #1 or Insta Cure #1) 1/3 cpu packed dark brown sugar 1 piece (3-3.5lb) pork belly (skinned - see Notes)


  1. Plase salt, pepper & curing salt in a mixing bowl and mix well with fingers. Add sugar - breaking up any lumps

  2. Place belly on a rimmed baking sheet. Rub half of cure into the top, flip - use rest of cure.

  3. Put belly and any remaning cure in a large plastic bag. Remove air - seal bag, put in foil pan or roast pan to contain leaks

  4. Cure for 6 days - flip each day - liquid will accumulate in bag - don't freak

  5. Drain and rinse well with cold water - blot dry w/ paper towels

  6. put on wire rim rack over baking sheet to dry in fridge overnight you might be tempted to salt this again - don't it will come out super salty however adding cracked black pepper and any other spices here might be a good idea

  7. put on heated smoker (~170F) smoke until internal temp hits 155F (3.5-4 hours)

  8. put on wire rim rack over baking sheet to cool to room temp

  9. Wrap in butcher's paper or plastic wrap 4 hours to overnight

  10. Keeps for 5 days in fridge or frozen for months

Notes: Pork belly can be bought at Whole Foods - but usually comes in 10-12lbs - ask them to remove the skin