Node Count by Key

MATCH (n:SshKey)-[r:sshkey]-(i:Node) WITH n, count(i) as node_count RETURN n.name, node_count ORDER by node_count DESC

Ports open to the Internet

MATCH (i:IpRules{cidr_block: ""})-[r:ip_rules]-(s:SecurityGroup)-[p:node_sg]-(n:Node) WITH i, count(n) as node_count RETURN i.proto, i.from_port, i.to_port, i.direction,i.cidr_block, node_count  ORDER by node_count DESC

Ports open

MATCH (i:IpRules)-[r:ip_rules]-(s:SecurityGroup)-[p:node_sg]-(n:Node) WITH i, count(n) as node_count RETURN i.proto, i.from_port, i.to_port, i.direction,i.cidr_block, node_count  ORDER by node_count DESC

Ports to public IPs

MATCH (i:IpRules{private: false})-[r:ip_rules]-(s:SecurityGroup)-[p:node_sg]-(n:Node) WITH i, count(n) as node_count RETURN i.proto,i.from_port, i.to_port, i.direction,i.cidr_block, node_count  ORDER by node_count DESC

Find all nodes that will take a priveleged port

MATCH (i:IpRules)-[r:ip_rules]-(s:SecurityGroup)-[p:node_sg]-(n:Node) WHERE i.from_port >= 1 and i.to_port <= 1024 RETURN i.proto, i.from_port, i.to_port, i.direction,i.cidr_block, n.name, count(n.name)  ORDER by count(n.name) DESC

Find all ingress cidr rules to a particular node

MATCH (n:Node{ip: ""})-[x:node_sg]-(s:SecurityGroup)-[y:ip_rules]-(i:IpRules) return i.proto, i.from_port, i.to_port, i.cidr_block

Find all VPC peers

MATCH (f:Vpc{name: "TSprod-AUX"})-[x:peered]-(p:Peer)-[y:peered]-(t:Vpc) RETURN f.name, t.name