# Ansible-Devbox This vagrant is intended to be an example to get started using Ansible to provision your Development environment on vagrant. ## Requirements Install vagrant and virtualbox on your machine ## Running ``` vagrant up ``` The first run might take a while ## To add a new Ansible Galaxy role Edit ansible/requirements.yml file it contains a few examples of different ways to fetch roles ``` vagrant provision ``` *DANGER* This will delete all of the files in the ansible/roles directory to ensure fresh roles are downloaded ## Overriding Role variables To override any variable in a role, usually located in ansible/roles//defaults/main.yml simply add an entry with the same name to ansible/vars/main.yml ## Port Forwarding Add any ports you would like to forward from your local machine into the Vagrant box in the Vagrantfile ``` # Forwarding Ports - you should add any necessary ports here config.vm.network "forwarded_port", guest: 2112, host: 2112 ```